What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

University of Surrey - Programming Fundamentals

Country: England
University: University of Surrey
Course code: COM1027
Course title: Programming Fundamentals
Date of Syllabus:
Source: Manual search
Associated Degrees: Computer Science
Prerequisits: no
Course for Majors: yes
Course stage: 1
Semester: 1
Programming language: Java
Language of Instruction:
URL: https://modcat.surrey.ac.uk/ipo/2016-17/COM1027.htm?_ga=2.27923764.949620346.1500471834-2063157057.1500471834
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: Explicit
Learning Outcomes:

Write syntactically correct code, and compile, execute, debug and test the resulting computer program

Understand the basic concepts of object-oriented software as implemented in Java

Know when and how to apply native and class data types, and program control statements

Interpret UML class diagrams in order to implement object-oriented software

Understand the importance of constructing maintainable code by using good design and code conventions

Apply object-oriented testing to validate their code

LO categories:

Writing programs

Developing good program Design methodology & styling

Basic OOP

Control Structures & logic (if/else etc)

Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types

Testing & Debugging code

UML Modelling language