What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

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236 results matching the specification: all

Category Number of Results
Evaluating Time/Space Complexity 21
Exception Handling 19
How Computers & computational systems work & history of computing 38
Teamwork skills & Communication 18
Writing programs 112
memory allocation 9
Arrays, Lists, dictionaries, vectors, sets 93
Basic OOP 89
Control Structures & logic (if/else etc) 107
Data Structures (general or implied complex like stacks, queues etc) 54
Pointers 19
Polymorphism 20
Repitition & loops (for/while etc) 81
Strings 34
Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types 91
Code Manipulation 3
Encapsulation 18
Searching algorithms 29
Problem Solving (also things like computational thinking) 106
Sorting Algorithms 26
Designing Algorithms 73
IDE use 27
Information Representation 6
Information Technology & Data Science skills 1
Security 1
Simple Graphics & GUIs 21
Developing good program Design methodology & styling 34
Functional Programming 4
Generating clear documentation 41
Testing & Debugging code 110
Recursion 43
File handling & I/O 59
Functions, methods and procedures 78
Scope of code 12
Classes & objects 52
Coupling & Cohesion concepts 2
Abstract Classes & Interfaces 13
Abstraction 37
UML Modelling language 6
Inheritance 28
Program Comprehension 24
ā€œFundamentals of Programmingā€ 27
Web Development 5
Tracing execution of Program 6
Detecting logic errors 5
Detecting syntax errors 5
Induction 1
Command Prompt for Compilation and Execution 5
Pseudocode 5
Version Control 1
Boolean Logic 1
Multi Threading & Concurrency 3
# Location Course Code Course Title University Programming Language
1 USA CSC 110 Computer Programming 1 City university of New York - Manhattan Java
2 USA CPSC 1010 Computer Science 1 Clemson University C
3 USA Programming 1 University of Kansas None
4 USA EECS 268 Programming 2 University of Kansas None
5 USA CSI 1430 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Baylor University C++
6 South Africa Csc112 Computer Science 1 Rhodes University None
7 USA CSc 102 Introduction to Computing City University of New York C++,C
8 USA CSC101 Computing Concepts The University of Rhode Island None
9 Portugal Computer Programming 1 University of Porto Prolog,Gofer
10 Portugal Computer Programming 2 University of Porto C
11 England G5066 Introductionto Programming University of Sussex None
12 India CSHT-101 Programming Fundamentals University of Delhi C++
13 Philippines CS 21A Introduction to Computing 1 Ateneo de Manila University Java
14 Turkey CENG111 Introduction to Computer Engineering Concepts Middle East Technical University Python
15 Scotland COMPSCI1016 Computing Science 1CT Introduction to Computational Thinking University of Glasgow None
16 Scotland COMPSCI1017 Computing Science 1Px Further Programming University of Glasgow None
17 England COM1027 Programming Fundamentals University of Surrey Java
18 USA CS142 Introduction to Computer Programming Brigham Young University C++
19 USA CSE110 Principles of Programming with Java Arizona State University Java
20 USA COSC 1010 Introduction to Computer Programming Marquette University Java
21 USA CS115 Object Oriented Programming 1 Illinois Institute of Technology None
22 USA CS116 Object Oriented Programming 2 Illinois Institute of Technology None
23 USA COMP 11 Introduction to Computer Science Tufts University C++
24 USA CSCE155A Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of Nebraska Java
25 USA CSE 115 Introduction to Computer Science Majors 1 University at Buffalo New York Java
26 USA CS115 Introduction to Computing Science Kansas State University None
27 USA CS1210 Computer Science 1: Fundamentals University of Iowa Python
28 South Korea CS101 Introduction to Programming Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Python
29 USA CS1337 Computer Science 1 University of Texas Dallas C++
30 South Africa CSC01A1 Introduction to algorithm development University of Johannesburg C++
31 USA ECS 10 Introduction to Programming University of California Davis Python
32 South Africa COS 151 Imperative programming 1 University of Pretoria None
33 Scotland CM1015 Software Design and Development The Robert Gordon University Java,JavaScript
34 Scotland CS105 Programming Foundations University of Strathclyde Java
35 Australia COMP1511 Introduction to Computing University of New South Wales C
36 USA COMP1210 Fundamentals of Computing 1 Auburn University Java
37 Sweden DIT042 Object Oriented Programming University of Gothenburg None
38 USA CIS1068 Program Design and Abstraction Temple University Java
39 USA CS 31 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of California, Los Angeles C++
40 USA CS 021 Programming 1 University of Vermont None
41 USA CS302 Introduction to Programming University of Wisconsin-Madison Java
42 USA CS 1101 Computer Science 1 Boston College Python
43 USA ITI 1120 Introduction to Computing 1 University of Ottawa Java
44 USA CSC 111 Introduction to Computer Science Wake Forest University Java
45 New Zealand COMP150 Practical Programming University of Otago Python
46 Australia SIT 102 Introduction to Programming Deakin University None
47 Hungary Programming Fundamentals eotvos lorand university None
48 USA CS 171 Introduction to Computer Science 2 Emory University Java
49 USA CS 415 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of New Hampshire Java
50 USA EECS 132 Introduction to Programming in Java Case Western Reserve University Java
51 Canada CS 105 Introduction to Computer Programming 1 University of Waterloo None
52 USA CS 1323-020 Introduction to Computer Programming University of Oklahoma Java
53 USA CS 163 Java No Prior Programming Colorado State University Java
54 USA CS 141 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Clarkson University C++
55 USA CS111 Introduction to Computer Science through Programming Smith College Python
56 Australia CSP 1150 Programming Principles Edith Cowan University None
57 USA CS 125 Intro to Computer Science University of Illinois at urbana-champaign Java
58 USA CS143 Computer Programming Fundamentals Drexel University C++
59 USA CS 120 Introduction to Computing Clark University Java
60 USA CSci 1113 Introduction to C/C++ Programming University of Minnesota C,C++
61 USA CS 50 Introduction to Computer Science Harvard University Scratch,C,Python,Sql,JavaScript
62 Sweden ID1018 Programming 1 Kth Royal Institute of Technology Java
63 USA COMP 1020 Introduction to Programming Memorial University of Newfoundland C++
64 USA COMP 1010 Introductory Computer Science 1 University of Manitobs Java
65 New Zealand COMP 112 Introduction to Computer Science Victoria University of Wellington Java
66 USA CS 1570 Introduction to Programming Missouri University of Science and Technology C++
67 USA CS 1110 Intro to Programming University of Virginia Java
68 USA CS 1350 Introduction to Computer Science 1 for Majors Louisiana State University Java
69 USA CSE 114 Computer Science 1 - Procedural and object-oriented Programming Stony Brook University Java
70 USA CS 111 Introduction to Computer Science Rutgers - The state university of New Jersey Java
71 Singapore CS1101S Programming Methodology National University of Singapore JavaScript
72 USA CS312 Introduction to Programming University of Texas at Austin Java
73 USA CPSC 100 Introduction to Computing and Programming Yale University C,Python,SQL,JavaScript
74 USA CS 111 Program Design 1 University of Illinois at Chicago Python
75 USA COSC 1430 Computer Programming 2 University of Houston Java
76 USA INFCI 0017 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming University of Pittsburgh Java
77 USA CS 570 Introduction to Programming, Data structures and Algorithms Stevens Institute of Technology None
78 USA CSCI 1301 Introduction to Computin and Programming University of Georgia None
79 USA CISC 108 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of Delaware None
80 USA Inf 523 Fundamentals of Information Technology University at Albany SUNY R
81 England Functional Programming University of Oxford Haskell
82 England CM10227 Principles of Programming University of Bath None
83 USA ICS 111 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of Hawaii at Manoa Java
84 USA COSC 1306 Comptuer Science and Programming University of Houston Python
85 England COMP 101P Principles of Programming University of London C,Haskell
86 USA CS1400 Introduction to Computer Science Utah State University C++
87 USA CSCI 1100 Computer Science 1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Python
88 England ITP Introduction to Programming Birkbeck University of London Python
89 USA COP 3223 Introductiont to Programming with C University of Central Florida C,Python
90 USA Comp 110 Introduction to Programming University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill JavaScript,HTML
91 USA CIS 110 Introduction to Computer Programming University of Pennsylvania Java
92 USA CS 010 Intro to Computer Science for Science Mathematic and Engineering 1 University of California Riverside C++
93 Lebanon CMPS 200 Introduction to Programming American University of Beirut None
94 India CS101 Introduction to Computing Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati C
95 USA CS102 An Introduction to Computer Science University of Tennessee C++
96 USA EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts University of Michigan C++,Python
97 USA COMP 150 Introduction to Computing Loyola University Chicago Python
98 Jordan CS 101 C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design Jordan University of Science and Technology C++
99 England COM00007C Theory and Practice of Programming University of York Python
100 USA CS 1 Programming and Problem solving Kent State University C++
101 USA CSCE 2004 Programming Foundations 1 University of Arkansas C++
102 England Programming Foundations University of Greenwich JavaScript,HTML,CSS,JSON
103 USA CSCI 135 Fundamentals of Computer Science University of Montana Java
104 England ECM 1400 Programming University of Exeter Python
105 USA CS 1110 Introduction to Computing using Python Cornell University Python
106 USA CS 103 Introduction to Programming University of Southern Carolina C++
107 Wales ICP-1022 Programming Fundamentals Bangor university Java
108 Australia 48023 Programming Fundamentals University of Technology Sydney Java
109 Canada CPSC 110 Computation, Programs and Programming University of British Columbia None
110 Canada COMP 202 Foundations of Programming McGill University Java
111 Czech Republic IZP Introduction to Programming Systems Brno University of Technology C++
112 England Java 1 Object Oriented Programming with Java Part 1 City University of London Java
113 England CSC 1021 Programming 1 Newcastle University None
114 Australia CP 1404 Programming 1 James Cook University None
115 Australia CSC1401 Foundation Programming University of Southern Queensland JavaScript,HTML
116 USA CSCI 1111 Computer Science 1 University of MISSISSIPPI Java
117 Kenya CSC112 Introduction to Programming University of Nairobi None
118 USA CS1101 Introduction to Program Design Worchester Polytechnic Institute None
119 USA CS17 Integrated Introduction to Computer Science Brown University None
120 USA CS 1302 Introduction to Programming using Python Georgia Institute of Technology Python
121 England COMP 1202 Programming 1 University of Southhampton Java
122 USA CS 170 Introduction to Computer Science Emory University Java
123 China COMP 1117 Computer Programming The University of Hong Kong C++
124 Canada CSCI 1100 Computer Science 1 Dalhousie University Java
125 New Zealand COMPSCI 101 Principles of Programming The University of Auckland Python
126 England COMP 16121 Object Oriented Programming with Java 1 The University of Manchester Java
127 USA CS 8 Solving Problems with Computers 1 University of California Santa Barbara Python
128 Wales CS 110 Programming 1 Swansea Java
129 USA COMP 140 Computational Thinking Rice University Python
130 England COS4016 Fundamentals of Programming University of Bradford None
131 Australia COMP1102 Computer Programming 1 Flinders university None
132 New Zealand 159.101 Programming Fundamentals Massey University None
133 Turkey BBM101 Introduction to Programming 1 Hacettepe University Python,C
134 USA CS 110 Introduction to Computing University of Massachusetts Boston Python
135 Switzerland Introduction to Programming Eth Zurich Java
136 Pakistan CS 1012 Programming Fundamentals 1 University of Lahore C,C++
137 USA COMP 1671 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of Denver Processing,Java
138 Australia CSSE 1001 Introduction to Software Engineering The University of Queensland Python
139 Wales CM1103 Problem Solving with Python Cardiff University Python
140 England COMP 1011 Introduction to Programming Durham University Java
141 USA CS 1114 Introduction to Software Design Virginia Polytechnic Institute None
142 USA CCS 111 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Boston University Python
143 Turkey BIL 103E Introduction to Information Systems and Programming Istanbul Technical University None
144 Netherlands Introduction to Computer Science 1 Maastricht University Java
145 England Programming (Java) Manchester Metropolitan University Java
146 USA COMP 150 Computer Programming 1 University of San Diego None
147 USA CS 1121 Introduction to Programming 1 Michigan technological university None
148 USA COS 126 Computer Science: An interdisciplinary Approach Princeton University Java
149 England CS 118 Programming for Computer Scientists The University of Warwick Java
150 USA CSC 171 The Science of Programming University of Rochester Java
151 England CS4001 Programming London Metropolitan University Java
152 England ECS401 Procedural Programming Queen Mary University of London Java
153 England COMP 1003 Java Programming University of Sheffield Java
154 Australia SENG 1110 Object Oriented Programming University of Newcastle None
155 USA CSCI 141 Computational Problem Solving College of William and Mary None
156 USA CSC 116 Introduction to Computing - Java North Carolina State University Java
157 England Foundations of Computer Science University of Camberidge ML
158 USA CSC 110 Computer Programming 1 University of Arizona Python
159 USA CSE 2 Fundamentals of Programming Lehigh University Java
160 USA 6 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Massachusetts Institute of Technology Python
161 England 4CCS1PPA Programming Practice and Applications King's College London Java
162 United Arab Emirates CSBP 112 Introduction to Programming United Arab Emirates University C++
163 USA COSC 151 Computer Science 1 Georgetown University C++
164 Denmark Introduction to Programming Aarhus University Java
165 USA CSC 110 Fundamentals of Programming 1 University of Victoria None
166 USA CIS 252 Introduction to Computer Science Syracuse University None
167 England CSC 1022 Programming 2 Newcastle University Java
168 USA CSCE 121 Introduction to Program Design & Concepts Texas a&m University C++
169 Scotland CSCU9A1 Computing Science 1 University of Sterling Java
170 USA CS 113 Introduction to Computer Science 1 New Jersey Institute of Technology Java
171 Australia ICT 159 Foundations of Programming Murdoch University None
172 USA CMSC 12100 Computer Science with Applications 1 The University of Chicago Python
173 USA CSE 174 Fundamentals of Programming and Problem Solving Miami University None
174 Egypt CSCE 1001 Fundamentals of Computer Science American University of Cairo C++
175 USA CS 112 Introduction to Computer Programming George Mason University Java
176 USA COP 3502 Programming Fundamentals for CIS Majors 1 University of Florida Java
177 USA COP 3014 Programming 1 Florida State University C++
178 Australia ITC 106 Programming Principles Charles Stuart University None
179 England CO 320 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming University of Kent Java
180 Australia COIT 11222 Programming Fundamentals Central Queensland University None
181 USA CSC 10024 Programming 1 - Programming Fundamentals Keele University None
182 USA CS 161 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Oregon State University C++
183 England COA111 Software Engineering 1 Loughborough University None
184 England G51PGA Programming and Algorithms University of Nottingham C
185 Scotland CS 1022 Computer Programming and Principles University of Aberdeen None
186 Canada COMP SCI 1MD3 Introduction to Programming Mc Master University Python
187 Lebanon CSC 243 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Lebanese American University None
188 Canada 60-106 Programming for Beginners Windsor University None
189 England COMP 16212 Object Oriented Programming with Java 2 The University of Manchester Java
190 Scotland CS1002 Object-Oriented Programming University of St Andrews Java
191 Wales CS 115 Programming 2 Swansea University Java
192 Wales CS 12020 Introduction to Programming Aberystwyth University None
193 Qatar CMPS 151 Programming Concepts Qatar University None
194 USA 21:198:101 Computers and Programming Rutgers None
195 Scotland F27SA Software Engineering 1 Heriot-Watt University None
196 USA CMPSC 121 Introduction to Programming Techniques Pennsylvania State University C++
197 England SCC 110 Software Development Lancaster University None
198 USA 605.201 Introduction to Programming using Java Johns Hopkins University Java
199 USA CMP_SC 1050 Algorithm Design and Programming 1 University of Missouri Columbia Java
200 USA CS 2500 Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 Northeastern University None
201 Scotland INFR 09021 Introduction to Java Programming The University of Edinburgh Java
202 USA CSE 231 Introduction to Programming 1 Michigan State University Python
203 USA CS 18000 Problem Solving and Object Oriented Programming Purdue University None
204 Netherlands 15 EC Software Systems University of Twente None
205 USA CSE 1211 Computational Thinking in Context Ohio State University Python
206 Ghana CSCD 205 Programming 1 University of Ghana C++
207 USA CSE 41 Introduction to Programming University of California Irvine None
208 USA CS 1030 Foundations of Computer Science The University of Utah None
209 New Zealand COMPSCI 101 Principles of Programming The University of Auckland Python
210 Ireland COMP 10110 Computer Programing 1 University College Dublin C
211 England CS 1310 Java Programming Foundations Aston University Java
212 Australia COMP 115 Introduction to Computer Programming Macquarie University None
213 Ireland COMP 10120 Computer Programming 2 University College Dublin C
214 Ireland CA 117 Computing Programming 2 Dublin City University Python
215 Ireland CMPU 1025 Programming Dublin City University None
216 England COMP 1711 Procedural Programming University of Leeds None
217 Ireland CS 1010 Introduction to Programming Trinity College Dublin Java
218 USA CMPS 1500 Introduction to Computer Science Tulane University Python
219 England Programming 1 Imperial College London Haskell
220 Ireland CA 116 Computing Programming 1 Dublin City University Python
221 Ireland CS 161 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Maynooth University None
222 Netherlands CSE1100 Object-oriented programming 1 Delft University of Technology Java
223 India ESC 101 Fundamentals of Computing Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur C
224 India CSN 103 Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Java
225 Australia Comp Sci 1106 Introduction to Software Engineering The University of Adelaide None
226 USA CS 2400 Introduction to Computer Science Ohio University C++
227 England CO 1003 Program Design University of Leicester Java
228 Canada COMP 1405 Introduction to Computer Science 1 Carleton University None
229 USA CMPS5J Introduction to Programming in Java University of California Santa Cruz Java
230 USA CSC 1100 Problem Solving and Programming Wayne State University C++
231 England CE 151 Introductio to Programming University of Essex Python
232 New Zealand COSC 121 Introduction to Computer Science University of Canterbury Python
233 Australia Introduction to Programming Swinburne University of Technology None
234 USA CS 110 Introduction to Computer Science 1 University of San Francisco Python,JavaScript,HTML
235 Ireland CS 1117 Introduction to Programming University College Cork Python
236 USA CS200 Programming 1 University of Wisconsin - Madison Java