What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

University of Gothenburg - Object Oriented Programming

Country: Sweden
University: University of Gothenburg
Course code: DIT042
Course title: Object Oriented Programming
Date of Syllabus:
Source: Manual search
Associated Degrees: Software Engineering and Management
Prerequisits: no
Course for Majors: yes
Course stage: 1
Programming language: None
Language of Instruction: English
URL: http://kursplaner.gu.se/pdf/kurs/en/DIT042
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: Explicit
Learning Outcomes:

explain basic programing language concepts, e.g., statements, expressions, operators, types, control flow constructs, argument passing, method calls and exception handling

explain object-oriented concepts, e.g., objects, methods, classes and inheritance

explain the meaning and use of elementary data structures, e.g., strings and arrays

develop small (up to 5000 lines of code) software applications in an object oriented programming language using a modern development environment

structure the program into separate parts that can be implemented independently in a practicable way

evaluate the comprehensibility of a program, e.g., using class coupling, class cohesion and method cohesion

assess the impact of errors in software development

LO categories:

Writing programs

Basic OOP

Classes & objects


Control Structures & logic (if/else etc)

Functions, methods and procedures

Arrays, Lists, dictionaries, vectors, sets


Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types

Exception Handling

Coupling & Cohesion concepts