What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

University of Houston - Comptuer Science and Programming

Country: USA
University: University of Houston
Course code: COSC 1306
Course title: Comptuer Science and Programming
Date of Syllabus:
Source: Manual search
Associated Degrees: Computer Science
Prerequisits: College algebra
Course for Majors: yes
Course stage: 1
Semester: 1
Programming language: Python
Language of Instruction: English
URL: http://www2.cs.uh.edu/~paris/1306/Syllabus.pdf
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: Scraped
Learning Outcomes:

COSC 1306 will survey the basic hardware and software components of a computer system and introduce the students to algorithmic thinking

The programming assignments will be in Python, in order to relieve the beginner from the drudgery of conventional programming languages

LO categories:

Writing programs

Designing Algorithms

How Computers & computational systems work & history of computing

Abstract Classes & Interfaces