What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?
Clark University - Introduction to Computing
Country: | USA |
University: | Clark University |
Course code: | CS 120 |
Course title: | Introduction to Computing |
Date of Syllabus: | |
Source: | Manual search |
Associated Degrees: | Computer Science |
Prerequisits: | no |
Course for Majors: | yes |
Course stage: | 1 |
Semester: | 1 |
Programming language: | Java |
Language of Instruction: | English |
URL: | http://www.cs.clarku.edu/~cs120/syllabus.pdf |
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: | Explicit |
Learning Outcomes: |
Developing elegant and efficient code from an abstract specification Using building blocks of program development Literate programming (writing a program that can be read by a human as well as a machine) Programming methodology, which involves • Planning out the design of a program using object-oriented design and appropriate features of Java • Methodical and efficient development of the implementation using step-wise refinement and incremental testing and debugging (using appropriate debugging tools) • Being able to convince yourself of the correctness of the implementation by logical reasoning |
LO categories: |
Writing programs Developing good program Design methodology & styling Basic OOP Testing & Debugging code |