What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?
University of Sheffield - Java Programming
Country: | England |
University: | University of Sheffield |
Course code: | COMP 1003 |
Course title: | Java Programming |
Date of Syllabus: | |
Source: | Manual search |
Associated Degrees: | Computer Science |
Prerequisits: | no |
Course for Majors: | |
Course stage: | |
Semester: | |
Programming language: | Java |
Language of Instruction: | English |
URL: | http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/intranet/teaching/public/modules/level1/com1003.html |
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: | Explicit |
Learning Outcomes: |
understand the difference between a variable, value and object; understand procedural abstraction and the passing of arguments and results; understand how to structure basic Java programs to solve simple problems; understand how to design an encapsulated data type with private and public aspects; understand what is meant by object-oriented and component-based programming; understand the time and space trade-offs between different implementations of collections; understand the basics of visual application programming using Swing; demonstrate the ability to work as part of a small group in order to solve a programming problem; demonstrate an understanding of how to produce unit tests for checking that written code is working as expected. |
LO categories: |
Writing programs Problem Solving (also things like computational thinking) Teamwork skills & Communication Basic OOP Abstraction Encapsulation Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types Testing & Debugging code Evaluating Time/Space Complexity |