What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

University of Kent - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Country: England
University: University of Kent
Course code: CO 320
Course title: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Date of Syllabus:
Source: Manual search
Associated Degrees: Computing
Course for Majors: yes
Course stage:
Programming language: Java
Language of Instruction: English
URL: https://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/modules/module/CO320#learning_outcomes
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: Explicit
Learning Outcomes:

Read, understand and modify small programs

use an object-oriented programming language to write small programs;

Write programmes with the support of an integrated development environment

Structure data and information as class definitions

Use object-oriented analysis, design and implementation to identify and solve practical programming problems

Test solutions to programming problems

Where appropriate, use class inheritance to create class hierarchies

Use effectively a range of software development tools, such as an integrated development environment, text editor and compile

LO categories:

Writing programs

Developing good program Design methodology & styling

Program Comprehension

Generating clear documentation

Data Structures (general or implied complex like stacks, queues etc)

Control Structures & logic (if/else etc)

Functions, methods and procedures

Arrays, Lists, dictionaries, vectors, sets


Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types

File handling & I/O

IDE use
