What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?

Qatar University - Programming Concepts

Country: Qatar
University: Qatar University
Course code: CMPS 151
Course title: Programming Concepts
Date of Syllabus:
Source: Manual search
Associated Degrees: Computer Science
Course for Majors: yes
Course stage: 1
Semester: 1
Programming language: None
Language of Instruction:
URL: http://www.qu.edu.qa/static_file/qu/students/documents/students-undergraduate-catalog-2016-2017-en.pdf
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: Scraped
Learning Outcomes:

Exposure to problem solving techniques and operations on data using the fundamental components of a programming language

Problem solving techniques and presentations; motivations to programming languages and program execution

fundamental components of a programming language including simple and structured data representation

mathematical and logical operations; input/ output, control and loop structures

functions; recursion; memory referencing; and simple file processing

LO categories:

“Fundamentals of Programming”

Problem Solving (also things like computational thinking)

Control Structures & logic (if/else etc)

Repitition & loops (for/while etc)

Functions, methods and procedures

File handling & I/O


Information Representation