What Do CS1 Syllabi Reveal About Our Expectations of Introductory Programming Students?
Lancaster University - Software Development
Country: | England |
University: | Lancaster University |
Course code: | SCC 110 |
Course title: | Software Development |
Date of Syllabus: | |
Source: | Manual search |
Associated Degrees: | Computer Science |
Prerequisits: | no |
Course for Majors: | yes |
Course stage: | 1 |
Semester: | |
Programming language: | None |
Language of Instruction: | English |
URL: | http://www.lusi.lancaster.ac.uk/CoursesHandbook/ModuleDetails/ModuleDetail?yearId=000114&courseId=016554 |
Explicit or !Explicit LOs: | Explicit |
Learning Outcomes: |
Work independently to develop moderately complex, robust computer programs. Apply a principled approach to the development of a software program. Perform effective testing of computer programs. Undertake reasoned analysis of alternative designs for moderately complex computer programs. Analyse and debug computer programs. Understand the need for a structured approach to the software development process. Basic types and the use of constants and variables. Control flow, and making decisions through the use of conditionals Parameter passing, formal and actual parameters pass by reference and pass by value, return types Scoping of variables, and procedures using namespaces. Exceptions and exception handling |
LO categories: |
Writing programs Control Structures & logic (if/else etc) Repitition & loops (for/while etc) Functions, methods and procedures Variables, assignment, arithmetic expressions, declarations, data types Testing & Debugging code Scope of code Exception Handling |